2016 Digital with drawn elements

2013 Watercolor on paper. 10"x14"

2013 Watercolor on paper 11"x14"

Untitled 2013 Watercolor and pencil on paper. 8"x10"

2009 Gouache, acrylic, and colored pencil on board. 11 x 14" Inspired by Richard Amsel's portrait of Katherine Hepburn

2007 Oils on board 8"x10"

2004 Watercolor 18"x24"

2014 Digital. Interoffice flyer for Warner Bros. program.

Watercolor on paper 18"x24" Done for short film project.

Watercolor on paper 18"x24" Done for short film project.

2008 Watercolor on paper 8"x10"
The title pretty much says it all.
For my 35th birthday I sent out a party invitation with a modified version of the LOGAN'S RUN movie poster. My friends loved it, so now with each new birthday, special occasion, or passing fancy, another movie poster is vandalized. It's become a little tradition among my circle of friends.
Also included here are other "spoofs", either of movie posters or illustrations in popular culture.

Done when Disney announced the acquisition of Indiana Jones.

I modified version of my "Adventure Runs in the Family" artwork, after some shenanigans by one of the actors.

Promo poster for YouTube series/spoof.

I did this for my friend Matt, whose birthday coincided with the release of TRON LEGACY. I actually taught myself how to create a 3D image from layered files -- and yes, you can use the red/blue glasses!

After Matt's card, one of his friends hired me to make another TRON inspired 3D card for her boyfriend. This was the original 2D image...

...and this is the final 3D image.

My friend Brian is a diehard SOUND OF MUSIC fan -- and I'm sorry to say I'm not. So for his birthday, I did a little animated video as a prank, telling him I had found a long-lost DVD blooper reel. You can see the animated birthday card prank here: https://youtu.be/ejKTFOZZCDM